Summer Self Care Tips for Self Discovery and Mindfulness

Summer Self Care Tips for Self Discovery and Mindfulness

Summer can be a busy time of year, whether you’re running around town with family and friends or packing your days with work obligations and errands to get done before school starts back up. But summer is also the perfect opportunity to spend some extra time taking care of yourself, whether you want to start anew or recharge so that you’ll be ready to take on another busy year ahead. These tips will help you kick off summer with self-care in mind, so that you can spend the rest of the season in a healthy state of mind and body.

Set an intention for your summer

There's no better time than summer to recharge your body, mind, and spirit. Whether you're looking to reconnect with yourself or do some deep soul-searching, these tips will help you find that happiness within.

Think of it as a summer self-discovery journey: Do something every day (or a few times per week) that connects you back to who you are at the core.

Try out different activities like journaling, yoga, meditation, etc., and find what resonates best for you!

Make it your own personal self-care routine: You deserve it!

Create (and stick to!) a summer self care routine

A few things that I like to do to remind myself to take care of myself are:

Drink lots of water, especially in the summer. Even if it's just adding a refillable water bottle to your routine each day, this helps keep your body hydrated and energized while on the go.

Find time every day to go outside or get some fresh air. It can be as little as ten minutes per day but taking time each day to step away from screens will help you feel refreshed and rejuvenated. Being outdoors also has been shown to improve moods and reduce stress levels which is crucial during busy weeks.

Practice self-compassion. In addition to physical self-care, it's important to practice emotional self-care, too, by recognizing how hard we're working (and allowing ourselves to slow down when needed) without feeling guilty about what we aren't accomplishing.

Spend time outdoors every day

There are so many ways to connect with nature this summer. You can go for a walk through the woods or along the beach, take a bike ride in the country, visit a botanical garden, or head to your nearest animal sanctuary. One of my favorite things to do is go on hikes with friends. It's an easy way to get some exercise while enjoying the outdoors. Even if just 10 minutes every day, spending more time outdoors has many health benefits.

Make time for yourself – even if it’s just 10 minutes

No matter how busy you are, it’s important to take time for yourself each day. Even if that means just 10 minutes of meditation, reading a book, or taking a walk in the park. Doing this will help you stay on top of your mental health so that you can better manage your busy schedule. It's also good to remember that we all need to recharge our batteries after a long day at work!

Keep a summer journal

Reflecting on your day, no matter how busy or uneventful it may seem, can be a great way to start the night. It allows you time to think about what you did that day and how it made you feel. It's also a chance to reflect on what went well in the day, what could have gone better, and what plans you have for tomorrow. Plus, it's a really nice way to spend the last few minutes of your evening before bed!

Try something new

Trying something new is a great way to get out of a rut. Think about what you have always wanted to do but have never taken the time to do. Maybe it's taking up an art class, volunteering at the animal shelter, or going on that bike ride you've been putting off. Maybe it’s a new skin care routine, or trying a new nail polish color each week. We all need things we enjoy in our lives. Take care of yourself this summer by trying something new!

Practice mindfulness

It is important to take time out of our busy schedules to practice mindfulness. Practicing mindfulness will help you reduce the negative effects of stress, anxiety, depression and burnout. You can practice by paying attention to your thoughts and feelings without judging them.

Take some deep breaths in order to relax your body. Practice a mindful pause by asking yourself what’s going on? You may want to pay attention to your breathing or notice the sounds around you before acting or reacting.

Let go of what’s not serving you

It's time to let go of the old. The good or bad, it doesn't matter. It's time to move on from what was holding you back from becoming the person you are now and want to be in the future. Take a moment and meditate on what that means to you personally. What parts of your life will change? What will stay the same? What are some ways you can continue practicing self-care this summer while letting go?

Give yourself permission to relax

We all need time to relax and take care of ourselves. It's important to schedule in some time where you can just be with yourself. Sometimes it's hard because we're constantly busy, but if you don't take care of yourself, then you'll never be able to take care of anything else. Take some time this summer to practice some self-care. Let yourself relax, because in order to grow, you need to relax!

Scheduling time for self care is a great way to give yourself permission to do the things that are good for you. Set a reminder on your phone or calendar so that every day is planned out and make sure there are always times when you can be at peace with your thoughts.

If you struggle with this, we can help! Sign up for our seasonal self care boxes where we send you a reminder to take out some time for yourself with our Self Care Subscription boxes delivered to you every three months.

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